Technical Skills


















We2Link (August 2022 - May 2023)

Worked with the startup We2Link on their Want2Remember project, where I worked with other developers to enable a migration of our mobile application to a web application from scratch in an Agile enviroment.

● Took on a full-stack role to develop a brand new "Edit" page to allow users to customize their UI experience. All customized user data was stored and saved onto Firebase. Integrated features include:
- "Drag and drop" feature to allow users to reorganize "memory types" in their desired order. Used React's open source "react-beautiful-dnd" library.
- "View" feature that allows users to toggle between a "grid" and "list" view that is then reflected onto the UI of the webpage.
- Moved an already built "color picker" component to the Edit page to allow users to edit the color of their "memory types"
- Integrated a "preview" pane within the "Edit" page's UI to display changes made before accepting and submitting such changes done by the user.

● Improved "Sign up" page by integrating "required" fields using TypeScript, and improved UI to allow users to distinguish which fields are "required".

● Built front-end React web components using JavaScript, React, and Tailwind CSS. These web components facilitated future development as they were reused when building other pages or components.

● Handled PR Reviews via Github and Jira to ensure clean and stable code to be merged onto the main branch for production. Thoroughly tested components by testing various edge cases to find bugs, and used a FireBase emulator to ensure all custom user data/settings are properly being stored. Effectively communicated with colleagues by leaving comments under PR requests, updating Jira board, and reporting PR review status during stand up.

Johnson & Johnson Technology Intern (June 2022 - August 2022)

● Designed Agile User Stories (JIRA) for the Strategic Customer Group (SCG) site by meeting with technology leads and stakeholders to capture business requirements while ensuring proper UI/UX design requirements.

● Created a Sharepoint site for JET Cargo for Ponvory. Worked with Brand partners and across Product Lines to leverage existing Sharepoint site template and incorporate Ponvory brand requirements into a new site. Guided brand team in developing a strategy for their website structure, then proceed to set up the site, and engage with brand to further enhance the site.

● Built analytics dashboards for Spravato to enable a comparison of metrics before and after a website redesign, from gathering requirements, learning Google Datastudio and Google Analytics technologies, and building the dashboard to meet business requirements. Presented a demo of the dashboard to leadership/business/agency teams.

● Improve technical skills and gained new knowledge in areas that I have not been exposed to before by completing assigned tasks, projects, and scheduling meetings with co-workers or managers when I need assistance or guidance, while also making connections throughout my internship term. Engage in 1:1 meetings with colleagues and leaders in different parts of Janssen and across J&J IT in order to build my network and determine possible areas of interest for career trajectory.

Computer Science Tutor at Community Partners (January 2022 - May 2022)

As a computer science tutor, I tutored and co-taught's "Computer Science Principles" course to prepare our students for their AP Computer Science Principles exam in May. My responsabilities were:

● Conducted lectures on programming fundamentals such as procedural programming, scope, functions, data structures, and algorithms. Proceeded to teach app development and introduce the event-driven programming paradigm using the JavaScript language on the platform.

● Created review sessions and practice exams to prepare students for the AP CSP exam. This includes creating powerpoint presentations, thinking of effective coding samples to demo live, and creating effective practice programming problems that correlate with concepts learned.

Results: 7 of 11 students were able to pass the AP CSP exam with a score of 3 or better

Peer Mentor at XSEDE's Computing4Change (August 2021 - May 2022)

As a student mentor, I was responsible to mentor a group of students throughout the duration of their project. My responsibilities included:

● Mentored three student cohorts throughout their C4C/ACSC project. Provided participants with an introductory talk about Data Science and Python.

● Assisted students to create/redefine their research question.

● Assisted students who experienced blockers creating their visualizations

● Assisted students in cleaning their datasets and debug their code in Python 3.

Article/Publication: Click Here

XSEDE ACSC Data Science Research Internship (June 2020 - August 2020)

● Worked and learned with multidisciplinary teams to apply data analysis, computational thinking, and gained research experience towards a social challenge by using HPC and data science.

● Ran, tracked, and stopped Jupyter Notebook jobs on TACC's supercomputers.

● Ran Jupyter Notebook jobs to parse CSV files, initialize data frames, and create data visualizations by using the Matplotlib, Pandas, and NumPy libraries.

● Created and presented my research findings at the conclusion of my week-long research.

Research Question: How can gun violence be reduced in Los Angeles County? Finding: Cities who have gunshot detection systems have lower rates of gun violence. Implementing such system in Los Angeles can result in the reduction of gun violence.

NASA Data Intensive Research and Education for STEM (August 2019 - March 2020)

At NASA DIRECT STEM, I was mentored and trained with professionals from UC Irvine, and JPL in computational physics, cloud computing, and data analysis by attending workshops that directly met NASA’s mission goal and standards. My selected contributions consisted of reinforcing my python skills by analyzing and developing two-dimensional and three-dimensional statistical graphs consisting of climate change data. With the contributions from XSEDE and TACC, I also had hands on experience to upload my work to supercomputers and understand their fundamental functions.


Programming Tools

- Eclipse IDE

- Visual Studio Code

- PyCharm

- Sublime Text

- MySQL WorkBench

Libraries & Frameworks

- React.js

- Tailwind CSS

Management Tools

- GitHub

- Jira


- Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel)

- Data flow diagram (DFD), Software design and implementation

File Transfer & Deployment

- FileZilla (File Transfer Protocol)

- WinSCP (File Transfer Protocol)

- Globus Connect Personal


- Java Servlets
